On a Walk in the Woods | Teen Ink

On a Walk in the Woods

February 25, 2018
By ElizabethCalypso BRONZE, Randolph, New Jersey
ElizabethCalypso BRONZE, Randolph, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Woolen cloaks to wrap around
And keep us warm.
I'm on a path I don't know where ends,
But I'm content to pretend,
As I feel warm beside you.
And your eyes glint with the
Soft green glow of the Spirit's touch,
The rock and the fountain of
Love to bring the Spring along and
It's no wonder my heart beats for Nature's song.

But these moments make me miss
A life I never had, that
These layers keep us far away, and I will lose you,
Or else you'll lose me first.
Your heart will be stolen away at daybreak, and
Time, the ethereal lover of doom,
Will be the culprit.
And it's catastrophe that you love me,
But then I love you too,
And you know the heart holds only truth.


So I will never lose you.
The trees will keep us safe from harm;
Your eyes will spark of fire and we'll
Speak of the Phoenix and fall asleep
To wake up one entity from the ashes,
You and me and eternity.

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