The Jock | Teen Ink

The Jock

December 14, 2017
By A.lovethegreat SILVER, Adel, Iowa
A.lovethegreat SILVER, Adel, Iowa
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
“F is for fire that burns down the whole town. U is uranium-bombs. N IS FOR NO SURVIVORS!”

If you think I'm crazy I'm not, I swear I just have a heart of love. 


I see you, you're a show-off, you flirt with me and were not even friends I wish you were off dead in a ditch.


But... then I wouldn't see your beautiful eyes, or your cocky smirk, I'm losing my mind and I have a feeling you don't have the same feeling in your heat.


You make me so mad, I hate you some much but I can't bring myself to tell you to get out of my life and leave me alone.


Our lives are just too far from each other, I'm in the background and you're the main character of my life, why do you do this to me?


If I see your eyes full of tears, I lose it, if I see you hurt I break myself so you don't feel alone, if you're happy then I'm the sun shining down on the earth trying to brighten up anyone's day.


God, how I wish you were out of my life, but if you are then I don't think I can ever be truly happy.


Thanks, for making my life worse in the greatest way possible.

The author's comments:

I love to many, but no one loves me.

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