Someone i used to know | Teen Ink

Someone i used to know

September 10, 2017
By writer-violist DIAMOND, Jenks, Oklahoma
writer-violist DIAMOND, Jenks, Oklahoma
63 articles 4 photos 84 comments

Favorite Quote:
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
― Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings


of all the things that used to be
so silently the memories mix with the
hopes of what cannot be

the tears glide down her face like a
flower losing petals in the soft wind
oh how she tries, but never succeeds

slowly she stirs, awakened by the golden
sun peeking through the cracks of her drapes
how peaceful it used to be, how peaceful


all the kind words you said, how careful
you were with her heart and feelings,
holding on like a delicate baby

you treated her with respect, as if she was
the only girl in the whole world, speaking
with words like honey and laughs like champagne

she told you what was right, what was wrong, and
everything in between and you did the same,
her voice was the highlight of your day


she lived for the days she could hold you and
hear your deep voice, asking her if she was alright
and listening to anything under the sun

you held her in your mighty arms, prepared
to catch her if life got difficult, and you made
her, your other half your love your life

she breathed in and out, heart racing every time
she caught a glimpse of you, so handsome, and
caring and perfect she breathed i love you


you said you loved her, but you didn’t mean it
here she thought you were her everything
yet you proved her wrong

you took her delicate heart, stomping away
the good days and the bad, forget me, forget me,
we could never be together

the breathing, the breathing, she couldn’t breathe
you broke her like a vase, seeping her soul into
nothingness and despair


your words punctured her heart, making the
awful feeling come, all she could do was cry
cry cry and cry and cry and cry

the tears never left her face days weeks
years they were there and they weren’t
you broke her and made her cry

so quiet and sweet the tears like
dew on morning grass but no they
were full of heartbreak and hurt


she was so confused what happened
what happened what the hell happened
how could this be how could you not love her

you lied you lied she tried she tried
to fix what was shattered into oblivion
but she could not figure out why

you walked past her not even batting
an eye she broke more and more
she can’t handle anymore


she tried her best you deceived her
you lied and lied and broke her in front
of the world, oh how she is so dead

broken broken she cannot try anymore
there is no means to live if your
love is not beside you

oh shattered heart relieve your
pain feel no more no more
you are only someone she used to know


The author's comments:

For those with a broken heart 

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