Sad World | Teen Ink

Sad World

February 14, 2017
By GAEM. GOLD, Manton, California
GAEM. GOLD, Manton, California
17 articles 8 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
What you egg! Young fry of treachery!
[he stabs him]
--William Shakespeare

The sweet scent of melting sorrow, to be replaced by the honied smell of pure happiness,

The aroma floats on the smooth summer breeze,

filling the nostrils of lawyers, police men, druggists and harsh white men who think they are the only kind of man.

Then,  all those lawyers, police, druggists, and white men turn their heads,

in confusion,

in bewilderment,

as pure and untainted laughter floated through their window.

The author's comments:

I actually wrote this during a summer vacation and never finished it. I just recently completed it.

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