Untouched | Teen Ink


January 16, 2017
By sarit1 BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
sarit1 BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Yesterday the white strobe lights flickered.
Yesterday the latino music blasted.
Yesterday the cocktails were bright.
Until 1:58 AM, tonight was the same.


Tonight, amidst the sound of bass,
A silver bullet cried
through the cold bar tile.
9 millimeter bullets.
One trailing quickly behind the next.


Tonight I watched glass shards scatter the floor,
As a collection of victims were murdered.
I stared at the shadows of daughters
And the silhouettes of loved ones.
I gazed at the hole plastered ceiling,
Each crater representing a loss.


Tonight I shook at the sight of a villainous act.
Bodies piled on the checkered floor
While martinis remained untouched.

The author's comments:

This piece was an homage to the Orlando night club shooting. 

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