Voyage | Teen Ink


December 2, 2016
By ShirleyZhou SILVER, Easthampton, Massachusetts
ShirleyZhou SILVER, Easthampton, Massachusetts
9 articles 9 photos 0 comments

Under the gray clouds
The sea whispers silent songs
Withered men are wailing horns
And I wait
Till passengers are aboard

A bird is shot
Swallowed by the night
Its bones are chewed, veins are dried
And finally, its wings stop flapping

We set off, along a wild wind
Sailing deep into a broken dream
My heart starts ailing
It is to doom we are heading
Falling into dark
As quickly as falling into sin

I hear it, the sudden sky’s cry
It is ripping… piercing… bleeding

If only you could see my eyes
You would know I am not suffering

My teeth are shivering
My soul a catastrophe
But, no, I am not suffering
And yes
It is to doom we are heading.

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