I Am Tired | Teen Ink

I Am Tired

November 1, 2016
By SofiaVarela BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
SofiaVarela BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Loneliness is in my bones

Because of my different skin tone
Isolated and controlled
As if I have something to owe
My soul is crooked like my back
Is it because I’m black?
I seem as if it doesn't bother me
I try to act tough
But in reality
Everyone needs some love.

I am Crooks and I am black
Love and care is what I lack
I am treated like dirt
They hurt me while they smirk
All night and day I stay alert
For their hate is what I try to avert

I am tired

Like an animal, caged away
I rather have death come my way
I cry and cry with all my might 
I seek for God
But He is nowhere in sight

Why must you desert me when I need you the most
You are supposed to protect me
Guard me
Insulate me
Like a winter coat
But rather than helping me
I only see your ghost

I am tired

If my skin turned red in the sun
My suffering would be none
If in the cold I became blue
I am sure I would be loved too
Why must I suffer this way?
I have no clue
I feel their hatred deep in my bones
My heart is now turned to stone

I am tired

I am here alone
With no company but my own
All I hear is the sound of my own heart
But I refuse to let my loneliness tear me apart

At times I feel strong
Head held high
Chest wide and broad
My pride shields me from their words
As they yell at me, all I hear is humming birds

But my strength disappears when I hear them say
The word that takes my name away
The word that makes my soul decay
As it pounces on me as if I were its prey
The word that weighs a thousand pounds
And crushes me into dust and mounds

I am tired

Chained to the past
My life is hidden within the shadow that it casts
Each time I close my eyes, I ask
How long will this pain last? 

Each day at dusk I find myself on the floor
I want to cry
But my eyes tear no more
I no longer fear their mouths and fists
I have become callous and emotionless

I am tired

I am drained of all hope
With all my might, I hold on to life
As if it were a rope
But I can feel my grip slowly loosening
The voice in my head tells me to do something

I pray that someone will hear my signal of distress
But as time passes
In my pain, I see no progress
Praying will do no good
I am alone in this world
Alone I stand
Alone I stood

When will this end?
Although strong and unbothered is what I pretend
My heart remains a place where happiness does not attend

Take a look into my life and it’s not a pleasing view
For a stray dog gets more affection than I do
Although my life is not a tale I would like to conclude
I am for certain that when I pass
Heaven will be my refuge

I am tired

Tired of it all
Sick of their abhorrence coming down like rainfall
How can they not see
They have stolen my dignity
They have beaten my soul down to debris
I wait for the day I see the light of mercy shine on me
But for now,
To you who reads
I repeat


Loneliness is in my bones
Because of my different skin tone
Isolated and controlled
As if I have something to owe
My soul is crooked like my back
Is it because I’m black?
I seem as if it doesn't bother me
I try to act tough
But in reality
Everybody needs some love.

The author's comments:

This poem is specifically about Crooks, the african-american character in the book Of Mice and Men.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 7 2016 at 10:53 am
SofiaVarela BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment
dang this is amazing sofia. i love you. marry me plz