What's Love Like? | Teen Ink

What's Love Like?

October 30, 2016
By MiriamGoldy GOLD, Seattle, Washington
MiriamGoldy GOLD, Seattle, Washington
12 articles 1 photo 10 comments

Tell me about it.
Tell me about the time you fell in love,
Scraping a few things along the way.
Tell me about the one that broke your heart.
I want to hear about your anguish,
Your heartache,
And all the misery and question that comes along with it.
But also, tell me about the one who loved you back.
I want to hear about the good things.
The way he consoles you when you feel the world is against you,
Telling you, “Everything is going to be okay.”
I want to know about the little things he does to make you smile.
Small, yet so significant.
Tell me about the jokes he tells you,
All of his quirks tied in a bow.
I want to hear about your political debates.
Does he try to dominate?
Because he’s smarter than you,
Does he make you feel inferior?
Do you ever feel like you have to fight for his affection or attention?
Does it ever bother you that when he plays video games you can’t play with him because you’re no good?
Tell me about the intimacy.
The way you fit effortlessly together,
The way everything perfectly aligns.
I want to hear about how he makes you feel when he moves his arm in a certain way,
Or when he winks at you,
Possessing some sort of need to be cool with you.
Tell me about how he works really hard to flex his biceps.
More importantly though,
Tell me about his flaws.
I want to know about your idea of a perfect guy,
Because everyone’s idea is different.
Tell me what perfect is,
And whether you can find perfection in love.
Does that matter?
I want to hear how you live with his flaws and how he lives with yours.
Maybe it would make me a better person.
I don’t know anything about love,
But maybe everything you tell me will teach me all I need to know about it.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem when I was in a relationship, first discovering what it was like to experience love (or what I thought was love at the time), and what it was like to be in a relationship where the word 'love' was involved. 

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