Imprisoned | Teen Ink


October 21, 2016
By fran_1616 BRONZE, Severn, Maryland
fran_1616 BRONZE, Severn, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Silence is my executioner,
for it can bring about my demise faster than the second hand rounds a clock.
There is no distraction to replace my reality,
therefore I am trapped, grounded inside the four white walls that make up my cell. 
I am shackled, incapable of running, unable to escape.
My mind holds me hostage.
My body a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode.
It is as if the past had taking a piece of scorching iron,
and branded my brain with its contents,
so I may never forget the impact it had.

My jail is opened and I, ushered to a stance.
My mind stays stranded in the darkness of the past,
a place I thought I had escaped, only to later discover
that escape was unattainable.
The past holds the rope leash around my neck,
and my floor, finally gave out.
The force of gravity now taking control,
as my body gasps for any available air.
Then, my lifeless body swings in the sharp breeze, like a trophy, 
advising the world to avoid a past comparable to mine.

The author's comments:

We are all prisoners within our minds, but we differ in our choices in handling this.  We must learn the concept of facing ourselves, this meaning confronting and coming to terms with the problems that haunt us.  

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