Dear Stranger | Teen Ink

Dear Stranger

October 6, 2016
By Doriann GOLD, Elk Grove, California
Doriann GOLD, Elk Grove, California
13 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
" never give up, because you never know how close you are "

Dear stranger,

Guess what I'm writing this letter about how I feel vs now without you in my life.
My mom was in her teenage years when you conceived me. Little did you I wouldn't
Want you in my life. From looking into my blue eyes I knew from that day forward
I wanted you out of my life. No! You treated me like I was spoiled it was fine at first
But I got sick and tired of you just buying me f***ing candy I didn't need it. I
Remember pleading for you to buy me clothes but instead you sat there a gave
Me candy.

Sadly I accepted it. It was like you would go out and spend time with your
Friends leave me in by myself with nothing less to do. Although I was young I
Questioned myself with this.

" why is your eye twitching so much"
Replies " don't worry about it"

You covered it up thinking I will never find out and guess what you
We're snorting the white powder that we all feared from but it was like
That was your damn Best friend. When you left again I sat on the couch
Crying my eyes out because I was so home sick repeatedly saying with
Tears rolling down my eyes.

" Mom I miss you I wanna come home now"
" Mom... Please "

Years later all that happened when I was 7 I'm glad that we're not
On speaking terms. That one day where we bumped into each other
On accident was one of my nightmares I wish never happened. When I seen
You I couldn't stop staring because I was just thinking about negative thoughts.

" who is this man"
" why the hell do we resemble so much!"
" I wish this wasn't him"

When I continued studying you I was building up anger because of you
I don't trust no one I have trust issues because of you! Little do you know
I run the good guys away because of you! It's all you. The moment that we
Would exchange contact over the years I wanted to hit you all over like a
Punching bag. My goal was really for you to feel my pain from all these years
But there's no point when you happen to be a dead beat.

You lied to everyone saying you were all over looking for me
Guess what that was a lie. I'm more happier with my life than ever it sucks
How it is but oh well you're the one to blame you were never my father
Because I just think of you as a sperm donor. Sad part about it is
You don't even remember my own birthday.

The day that you claimed you'll never forget I get so angry
Just thinking about it. All this time and this is how it is
I don't wanna speak with you even if it's years..


A strong independent woman.

The author's comments:

This isn't half. But I'm putting this out there so there are people who can relate or been through a similar situation 

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