Weight | Teen Ink


February 5, 2016
By shasis GOLD, Woodbridge, Virginia
shasis GOLD, Woodbridge, Virginia
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Excuse me, I have a couple of questions.
I’d like to know why is it okay for someone to tell me that I look like a stick, that I am bony, but is not okay for me to tell them they are fat?
Why is it okay for you to tell me to eat a burger, but wrong for me to tell you to eat a salad?
Why can you tell me to eat more, when I can’t tell you to eat less?
Why are you criticizing me on what is goes in and out of my mouth when I have done nothing to you?
If the roles were reversed, it would still be wrong.
If I were a hundred pounds heavier, you’d tell me that I need to lose a couple before it’s too late.
Stop being so hard on yourself and do what makes you happy because you know what?
At the end of the day, me and you will never be good enough to make society happy. 

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