A Recipe for the Perfect Lake Day | Teen Ink

A Recipe for the Perfect Lake Day

January 5, 2016
By 6shelp GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
6shelp GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

1 bright sun
1 clear, blue sky
4 seasons of friendship
1 bucket of inside jokes
2 dollops of country music
1 slice of fishing
1 pile of swimming
4 pocketfuls of laughter
Mountains of trust
A dash of fighting
A sprinkle of working it out
Armfuls of love
A lifetime of memories

In a large bowl, combine the friendship, inside jokes, and memories. In a separate, smaller bowl, combine the fighting and working it out. Let this settle for a little. Then add to the larger bowl. Sift in the sun, sky, country music, fishing, and swimming. Lastly, add the love, laughter, and trust; stir until well blended. Let sit and you’ll have the perfect lake day.

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