Reciprocating Technicalities | Teen Ink

Reciprocating Technicalities

January 2, 2016
By Nadia.A PLATINUM, North Vancouver, Other
Nadia.A PLATINUM, North Vancouver, Other
24 articles 1 photo 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Find what you love and let it kill you." -Charles Bukowski

You see,

trusting me was your

first mistake.


Don't ever trust one

who doesn't 


enough to trust


It goes both ways.

You slice my wrist

I slice yours--

it's the return of a favor.


How can you love one who

does not see you

does not want

to see you

sees only lip leaking lies

and eyes lacking love

who sees tongue twisted troubles

and swollen stung struggles--

you're all the same.


How can you

love me

when I cannot

love you back,

How can you

trust when

there's no

trust coming back,


You see,

trusting me was your

own mistake.

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