Ignorance | Teen Ink


December 10, 2015
By GAEM. GOLD, Manton, California
GAEM. GOLD, Manton, California
17 articles 8 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
What you egg! Young fry of treachery!
[he stabs him]
--William Shakespeare

Seven years ago I was ignorant to drugs,
I was ignorant to political differences,
I was blissfully unaware of racism,
I though the worst things in life were not having dessert,
Or Maddie getting more attention than me,
I was ignorant to taxes and low income wages,
I was ignorant to mean internet trolls,
I still believed that everyone I loved was safe from harm,
That is,
My warm bubble of believing and ignorance popped,
Shattered into a thousand pieces.
Suddenly I was noticing school signs: “don’t do drugs!”
Suddenly I was seeing Democrats and Republicans,
Sharply I was reading the reports of African American shootings,
School children being killed because of the color of their skin,
I learned that sugar rots away your teeth,
And that your parents love you and your sis equally,
I realized that the smiling grocery lady was getting paid 10 dollars an hour for her hard work and cheery disposition,
And my first ever YouTube video got 3 dislikes and a mean comment,
I have been exposed raw and beaten by this cruel world,
Suddenly I wished I hadn’t been so ignorant.

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