Doe-Eyed Lover | Teen Ink

Doe-Eyed Lover

November 23, 2015
By intermissi0n GOLD, Bangor, Maine
intermissi0n GOLD, Bangor, Maine
12 articles 0 photos 2 comments

My doe-eyed lover,
breathe upon my skin.
Let me stitch up the patches
that cover your skinny pale legs,
and lay your hands down
to reach into the dirt,
and pull up the bones that you buried.
Expand your chest,
and welcome me home.

You look so tired, My Sweet.
Your fingers tremble so softly,
that I almost don’t see
the white of the sheets swallow you up.
Eyelashes fluttering on soft cheeks.
I take the words out of your whisper,
and surround myself with only you.

Calm down, Darling.
You are still so young.
Your knuckles are bruised and bleeding,
so completely oblivious to the flowers growing from your skin,
that the wounds blister open
shaking the pain from your body,
and I welcome it in.

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