The Masked Woman | Teen Ink

The Masked Woman

November 12, 2015
By haileyishmael BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
haileyishmael BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Head tilted back line a dancer
She is an elegant wedding dress,
She is pure and her beauty is natural
An elderly woman brushes her nails with cherry nail polish
As the pungent aroma fills the air like water within a glass
Discomfort strains her face
As a black hatted man paints on her mask of beauty
Small swoosh sounds are sometimes heard by her
From the small brush strokes of the mascara
The process is painfully beautiful
White paper streamers cling to the ceiling, their legs dangling above their heads
A silk cloth lies down on the table in front of the woman
A dim light shines down upon them
The tools for her beauty lay open and scattered about
Presenting their aromas to the noses of those who gaze upon them

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