Beginning to End | Teen Ink

Beginning to End

August 12, 2015
By TheCatsMeow SILVER, Tuckerton, New Jersey
TheCatsMeow SILVER, Tuckerton, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I don’t know what’s worse: to not know what you are and be happy, or to become what you’ve always wanted to be, and feel alone.”
― Daniel Keyes, Flowers for Algernon

Right from the start we're off, look how we go!
Crawling and falling then running on our tinny little toes
Then we adorn our favorite attire and go join the others with smiles for awhile
We would laugh and we would sing till midday
Then we'd all hit the hay and sleep our troubles away
But, over time, we grew and we grew
Until we forgot who we really knew
People started to look different
Putting on red lipstick and trying to look like they're something slick
Trading in power wheels and Pokemon
For cigarettes and long nights filled with alcohol
Then they would laugh and laugh
And forget the silly long ago past
Then they would run fast towards their dreams and their hopes
Working and working with no more time for skipping rope
Soon the pressure piles up until it's sky high
We mustn’t fail, dear, or we'll end up living in a sty
Work your fingers to the bone for a meager salary and to pay for that car loan
You must stick a pretty little smile on your face
While keeping up with the quick pace
Of the world and its woes, boy life can really blow
Don't forget to have little children, on a nice little cul-de-sac 
Or people will look at you with pity and think that your life isn't on the right track
Those kids will kick and they'll scream for shiny new toys and to stay out all night
Then they'll complain about how their not the favorite
And will force you to give up enough for a mortgage payment
You know when they grow up they'll appreciate you more
When you grow old and your bones start to groan and to moan
But, oh no!
Those little children put you in a home
They'll visit you once in awhile
Making sure that the will's all in place and ready to go
And then when you finally croak, they'll let you rot in the ground
In a nice sound coffin

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem for my Creative Writing class as my final. My teacher didn't very much like the pessimistic view shown, what do you think?

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