I'm Saying Goodnight | Teen Ink

I'm Saying Goodnight

July 24, 2015
By emmaspyker1011 SILVER, East Lansing, Michigan
emmaspyker1011 SILVER, East Lansing, Michigan
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am a writer. We are the people who stay up past 12 AM finishing a story. We're misunderstood and underpaid. We spend our free time fixing plots. But we bring to life characters and a world society never knew about. I'm a writer and I love it."

I'm saying good night
Through a text
I don't know if you're awake
If it's a late night for you too
I hope you sleep well

In the morning,
When you wake
I might very well be gone
Let me know the dreams you had
And text me good morning

In the night,
During the storm
If you feel alone
Just text or call
I'll be right there
And make you feel safe again

In the day,
As you day dream
Think about the moon light
When I will come to you again
And always kiss you good night

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