"A poem to my daughter, on this special day" | Teen Ink

"A poem to my daughter, on this special day"

June 8, 2015
By Domenica_Nizzari SILVER, Plainview, New York
Domenica_Nizzari SILVER, Plainview, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest."

I was there when you,
Were born.
Spoke your first word.
When you were baptized.
Walked your first step.
When you got your first phone.
When you had your first boyfriend.
When you had your first kiss.

Now, in 2014
You have made me,
Your mom…
The proudest mother
I could ever live up to be.

Your beautiful-
Everything about you.
The ay your crisp golden hair
Fly’s with the wind.
The way you’re deep blue sea eyes
Follow everything that passes you.

I advise you to,
Make good choices.
Be the best you can be.
Be a leader, not a follower.
Treat people, as you would like to be treated.
Put 110 percent into everything you do.
Make mistakes, you learn from them!
Don’t change for anyone.
And most important, believe in yourself.

Best wishes to my not so little girl,
As you graduate,
From junior high,
You are now growing up to pursue
Ur dreams,
Ur self,
And your religion.


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