Skeleton Key | Teen Ink

Skeleton Key

April 24, 2015
By CJGrubi GOLD, Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin
CJGrubi GOLD, Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin
13 articles 1 photo 0 comments

It all comes back down to the key. The one in the corner,
in a creaky drawer down the hall.  Behind the ancient cupboard
you will find a spot. The place the key latches. Opening

the passage to a long forgotten chamber. It is her room. With a long dead hearth. A somber bed and a beaten rug, looking like a weary old man. This is the remains of the room that once belonged to the girl. A girl filled with

purpose and joy. The remnants of her former life linger, covered in a thin layer of dust. A life filled with work, laughter, and love. The bony key once stood proudly on her neck tied to a ribbon of blue. Now it sits neglected

waiting for her. Look upon thou’s hearts desires. Does it sag with grief?Is it weighed down by the crossroads of life? Has it lost its path? Is it on its feet? Find the lost key that is stowed away. It is long

forgotten, after all. Unlock the hidden room in your heart. Hidden behind layers of dark. Back to the state it once was in. A state of peace and happiness. Perhaps to unlock ones heart you must right a wrong,

retrace a step, fix a frown. What is the key? Thou might ask.
The key is what you make of it. Tis could be love, family, hope,
will, or bravery. Thou just must find it first. She finds the key

layered in grime. Polished and shined and in time the key
was glowing bright again. She unlocks the room. The weary
room. Hunched over like a crippled tree. It once reached for the stars and

it will again. She cleared the dust that layered the room like a milky film over a blind eye. She brightened the somber bed, gave it a new look. She replaced the long walked over rug with a new more colorful

one. The room once again was filled with light and love. She was happy and satisfied, colorful and thoroughly cheered. She turned over a new leaf and found her life again. It all happened because of the

key. The skeleton key. The old key long forgotten in a creaky
drawer. Find your key that is hidden in dust. Find your key to
happiness and fulfillment. The key is love. The key is life.

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