That One Person... | Teen Ink

That One Person...

April 24, 2015
By I_Am_The_Lucky_1 BRONZE, Summerville, South Carolina
I_Am_The_Lucky_1 BRONZE, Summerville, South Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Yesterday was history...
tomorrow is a mystery...
let us re write history
figure out the mysteries

Life…you provided the meaning
You were constantly on my shoulder
Always leaning
When I tried to move you, you were like a boulder 
Now…there is nothing
The weight was lifted
At first…I thought you were bluffing
Now we have both been drifted…
You choose to stand up and leave…
I was just here…a leaning pole…
I wasn’t stationary…
You held my hand and guided me
Just so in four months…you can let me be?
Well jeez…I never though anyone could be so mean...
I guess it must be in your genes…
After all, you were once just a dream
I never expected it to be true
When it did…it a gleam…
Shinned bright like a star…
Just to disappear in the night and go far…
You went by faster…faster than a race car
The moments we shared, were one of the best… 
I hope others can compare
To something you had someone…
Yet you refuse to put it to rest…
Just know…it will be a hell of a test
But the reward is great…
Why do you think I still try?
If I don’t…I will die…inside
So take a step outside
Take a look on the bright side
It’s not over yet…
Not until you put all your great efforts to rest
Don’t give up
Just find your inner luck…

The author's comments:

I hope that everyone out there...

relationship probelms...

or even school drama 

realize it's not over.

not until you give up.

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