The Job | Teen Ink

The Job

March 3, 2015
By Be_Free PLATINUM, Longview, Texas
Be_Free PLATINUM, Longview, Texas
37 articles 1 photo 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion overall." -- The Masque of the Red Death, Edgar Allan Poe

He’s winding around in the maze continuously,
Wondering when, if ever, he’ll finally find his way out.
He is going to go crazy
Trying to find what isn’t really there,
An exit.
The boy has forgotten the purpose of what he’s doing.
He was supposed to find the key, not the way out.
I promised him that I would get him out once he accomplished his task.
Now it is too late.
His task is gone.
There is always something wrong with the situation.
Nothing is ever perfect.
Nothing is ever cotton candy and butterflies,
Lollipops and park swings,
But there is always a solution to the problem.
He should have tried harder to survive.
How the hell is life supposed to work when he only see the sugar coded side of it all?
I sit back, sometimes,
And thing about how this turned out.
And I realize,
That no one else in the world feels what he is feeling.
No one else knows exactly how he feels about being left behind,
Even though I never actually left him behind.
No one understands exactly what happened to make his life this way.
No one but me.
But then again,
I guess I never really understood anything,
And from the looks of things, I never will.
It’s too bad, too.
I think I almost loved him.

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