Her Anguish | Teen Ink

Her Anguish

December 31, 2014
By CountryRose GOLD, Goshen, Indiana
CountryRose GOLD, Goshen, Indiana
12 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
I wanna be a girl that when I get out of bed
in the morning Satan says "Oh crap she's up!"

Iron fists clench the pillow
Pulling it close
Sobs break the silence
Her small shoulders shake
I feel the searing pain also
But I scream and cry inside
Where no one sees
How can I help her?
I won’t say anything
Mother did
And that didn’t help
Warm tears trickle down my face
As I step forward and reach out
My cool fingertips touch her flaming skin
A hand lashes out, like a viper
Striking my arm
Her anger is storming
She’s more pained than I
She was the closest to him.

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