On This Day | Teen Ink

On This Day

December 8, 2014
By tcouch4 PLATINUM, Woodinville, Washington
tcouch4 PLATINUM, Woodinville, Washington
21 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Make it hurt now so it won't later"
-Jim Rice

How fast would time go by if you sat in math class and stared at the clock?
You’ve been told how basic everything is
and now you’re looking to release all of your questionable teenage
feelings onto a three by eleven inch Scantron test.
How fast would time go by if you sat in your car, snow falling,
wondering if you’d remember this moment (stuck in the snow)
for the rest of your life- wondering if this is just a phase, or if you
really are stuck and can’t get out?
How fast would time go by if you looked at a calendar
and counted down the days until your IA is due?
And to think, there was a time when none of this existed;
but you’ve been told that’s how life goes. You grow up,
regardless of if your brain does.
How fast would time go by if you were having the time of your life?
But maybe time is having fun with you, and you can’t tell
how little it all is. So do we all stare and say shame on you,
or cry with you when it’s all said and done?
How fast will time go by when you’re sitting in your assigned seat
at your high school graduation (next to the same people you’ve
sat next to for years) and you look back on your life?

The author's comments:

This is very relevant in my life right now.

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