Inquiring The Question | Teen Ink

Inquiring The Question

September 2, 2014
By thewritetime BRONZE, Watertown, Massachusetts
thewritetime BRONZE, Watertown, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't judge a person until you have walked a mile in their shoes, this way you have their shoes, and you're a mile away from them" ~Unknown

Where does my love grow?

In my heart? My mind?

Maybe my soul?


Inquiry stacked

Into a revolver

Shot many a times

I’ve got the wounds to show her


Why all the questions

Of words and mumbles

Just let it be

Don’t be stumbled


I believe that love

Comes in many a form

A bush, tree, maybe an apple

To explain to you, a mind could be torn


Don’t be confused

I’ve only begun

To describe my dreams

Shot out like a gun


Purple, magenta, silver, gold

This only just skims

The world untold


What defines who we are?

Our language? Image?

Maybe our soul?


Who decides this?

Where does it start?

I’m being a bit hypocritical

From how this poem would start


Questions smushed against our knowledge

What if we can’t suffice

An answer worth talking?

The author's comments:

Just a casual night, questioning the meaning of questions. Is it so hard to ever just let things be? I don't know. I hope people take from this to just let go once and a while. Let your mind run free. Who knows where it'll end up leading you?

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