Phantom | Teen Ink


July 1, 2014
By indigogirl507 BRONZE, Providence, Rhode Island
indigogirl507 BRONZE, Providence, Rhode Island
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Where there is love there is life" - Mahatma Gandhi

The moonlight sheds an eerie glow
To a corridor full of cobwebs
Where a full length mirror lies

Through a cracked window you can hear
A faint whisper from the phantom
A heiress who appears during the full moon

In the mirror she’s outlined with blue
As she calls out the woes of her reign
In the mansion that lays abandoned at the street’s end

Many years ago in the bright years
She came there from another world
In hopes of a place where everything would be picturesque

But all too soon the truth was unveiled
The place was far from her dreams
A land of perfection in all dimensions

Because behind the mansion walls
Footmen schemed on overthrowing the headmaster
A kind, wise man with a heart full of gold

Chaos erupted in the streets
As she tried to fix everything
Except it all fell through

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