Island in the Sea | Teen Ink

Island in the Sea

May 13, 2014
By SDMeyer BRONZE, Westerville, Ohio
SDMeyer BRONZE, Westerville, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm playing hearts and your winning."

I try to help everywhere I turn,
Someone else is there I feel obligated to stay,
Turning from person to person.
I never just push through the crowd
The sea of people never parts,
Never evaporates.
I used to swim,
Then I treaded water,
Now I'm to tired,
Now I'm drowning.
Drowning among the people, the people I help.
No-one notices but you.
You reach out to me to help me up,
Now that I have you, you help me keep adrift.
Thank you, for being my safety place.
For being my island in the middle of the sea.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this because me and my friends were going through what felt like a lot at that point in time and I wanted a place to get my feelings out.

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