Music | Teen Ink


April 25, 2014
By WardaaH. BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
WardaaH. BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
deranged little beings everywhere //

Feel it pulsing through your veins
Feel the pleasure it brings you
The beat that rounds the corner
The sound that excites you.
Feel it taking you through the wind,
when the autumn leaves change their color
The flowers that bloom and the melody that sings
And brings a sense of wonder
and paths that you skip on, while bobbing your head from side to side
A feeling of contentment
A feeling of delight.
It expresses a story
The music fills your head
When your words fail
Music speaks for you
It takes me to another place
Somewhere away, into space
Lifts my mind and takes a trip
Down on the road of bliss
It's always waiting for you, waiting to be unleashed
Waiting to drown your problems, waiting to speak
Music understands my troubles, not that I have any
Just speaking in general
It doesn't judge you, it doesn't hurl a glare
It's a shoulder to cry on, when no one else cares
Music absorbs your sorrows, and gives you an assurance
That somehow it understands your emotions, your sorrows and happiness
The words are belt out, like dominos spreading
Lightens up your day and attends to your bipolar swings
Music will live until the end of time
Serving its purpose, staying forever
and in the darkest of times, being a light..
Music will always remember.

The author's comments:
Music is an escape from reality, and no one can really understand how others connect to music. Everyone has their own stories, and music explains their words, the words that they cannot speak for themselves.

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