Travels of a fellow | Teen Ink

Travels of a fellow

March 13, 2014
By Sci-fi-Holly BRONZE, San Diego, California
Sci-fi-Holly BRONZE, San Diego, California
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Love Life, as Life tends to love you back. Hate Life, and it will hate your guts!
-By me, in the middle of the most boring class ever!

Near or far, old or new
I look for something true
My home awaits me
With open arms I see
But I am not yet done
I look for adventure
As far as I venture
Looking for gold
I've become bold,
But I am not yet done
I create new bonds
With friends from beyond
I find my destiny
From the mutiny
Born of strife
Going against life
But I am not yet done
I find my place
In time and space
I do not fear
That my time grows near
For my journeys end
Even though I have energy to spend
But I am not yet done
So I shall not fall
I shall not crawl
I shall honour my home
From roof to comb
But I am not yet done
Near or far, old or new
I look for something true
My home awaits me
With open arms I see
But I am not yet done

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