Dance of Evil | Teen Ink

Dance of Evil

March 13, 2014
By Sci-fi-Holly BRONZE, San Diego, California
Sci-fi-Holly BRONZE, San Diego, California
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Love Life, as Life tends to love you back. Hate Life, and it will hate your guts!
-By me, in the middle of the most boring class ever!

Spinning, spinning, spinning,
Spinning until the world goes cold
Spinning, spinning, spinning
Spinning until we all grow old.
We dance around the flames
Of our pains and shames
We circle the park
Predators of the dark
We feel no trust
Only our lust
For dominance and power
Over those who cower
The fight never ends
We must turn every bend
To keep up with the devil
In the dance of Evil
Spinning, spinning, spinning,
Spinning until the world grows old
Spinning, spinning, spinning
Spinning until we all go cold
Twirling, twisting, spinning,
Frolicking in the moonlight
Spinning, twisting, twirling
In this dance of Evil

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