Poison | Teen Ink


February 16, 2014
By Hsnyder17 PLATINUM, Florissant, Missouri
Hsnyder17 PLATINUM, Florissant, Missouri
20 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't Get Discouraged until you build up the Courage.

I've stumbled over and pricked myself on the hands of time. My clumsiness is like a dumb-founded crime. I can't beileve how quickly my veins are filling up. As a clue-less by-stander you must think it's thrilling. But sadly it's blood chilling literally. My fingertips are becoming numb making this situation very awkward. I only have a short time to say what is needs to be heard. May my words fly into your heart as swiftly as a bird, I understand everyone has issues. But every now and then when you let go I'll be there with the tissues. And when the time comes for me to fly high. You will not be judged for wanting to cry. Hey is looks like I'm overcoming the poison. It's helped to read a poem that we have wrote.

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