Exemplar | Teen Ink


November 11, 2013
By AmandaMcMahon SILVER, Easley, South Carolina
AmandaMcMahon SILVER, Easley, South Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You know the art of slaying
Aimless thoughts
A lynx diving through harsh, pounding rain
Like fire violently hating
A Greek warrior in armor
You propel me past each hindrance
You are a guitar's power chords
Hypnotically reverberating through cathedrals
You are an elegant violin
With the bow swaying to silk notes
You become fire and ice
Felicitousness and depression
Blue and red
You constantly war with yourself
Melodies overtake harmony
In clashing rebellion
You are twilight
You are a brisk chill that makes me shiver
You are stars and flawless constellations
You are my elixir of hope
You smell of honey and roses
And your taste dances on my tongue
You are black when I'm unhappy
And white when I feel as though I can take on the world
You cannot be tamed
For who can subdue the heavens?
You are my guardian angel
When I wake
You are my eyes
You fill my ears with sweet faultlessness
When I sleep you are my heart and my dreams
Like a sunset
You leave me breathless
Graceful music

The author's comments:
This piece is an ode to music. It is titled Exemplar because, to me, music is the ideal to everything.

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