Blind | Teen Ink


June 29, 2013
By TalyaGelfand DIAMOND, Bronx, New York
TalyaGelfand DIAMOND, Bronx, New York
58 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Something that comes easy, won't last. Something that lasts, won't come easy.

What if we fell in love blind? What if we could not see the person we were destined to be with until we actually fell deeply in love with them? We wouldn't fall in love with the color of their eyes, or the shape of their lips. We would fall in love with the way that they spoke, and the words that they used. We would fall in love with the softness of their voice and the way that they think and the way that they laugh. With the feeling of their skin against ours and the way that their hands touch your face when you kiss and travel down your back as they cry. And when you truly fall in love and you can finally see the color of their eyes and see the shape of their lips rather than feel them with yours, would you be satisfied? Would you run away? Would you fall out of love leaving everything you once did love behind? Like their random thoughts at night or the sound of their voice in the morning? Or would you stay? Would you realize that not a face is beautiful, but true beauty comes from the thoughts of a mind and the sound of a voice?

The author's comments:
Something that was on my mind

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