The Wind that Showed the Way | Teen Ink

The Wind that Showed the Way

May 29, 2013
By KO2214 BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
KO2214 BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

i am a breeze.
I soft whisper in the wind that calls out, "I'm here!"
I feel unappreciated.
until the world turns to flame and you need my relief.
I live in dreams.
Wisps of a forgotten past or memory in the wind just passing through.

You can't see me;
At least, not always.
That's because I don't let you in.

But, i am heard.
Loud like a freight train in a desolate plain.
I have power.
The strength of twenty men that can break down a barricade.
I can love.
A caress, a touch that comes with a promise of hope.

I am not white.
I am not cellophane.
You can't see through me now.
I have taken form.

And this, this new found identity, it comes from you.
You radiate like a sun with warmth, hope and inspiration.
It is your words and love that have released me.

I'll be a bird.
Free with majesty and power to rule the sky.
I have beauty and grace.
I can see it now and I am ready to share it with you.
All you have to do is hold on.

The author's comments:
You may feel like nothing sometimes but there is always someone there who can bring you back up.

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