Imagination | Teen Ink


May 15, 2013
By LetiPointeBallet BRONZE, Oregon House, California
LetiPointeBallet BRONZE, Oregon House, California
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the strength to conquer it."


Inspiration does not come easily.
It is there,
waiting for you.
But you can't always find it
right away.
Sometimes you need a glass of milk,
a sprinkling of cocoa,
or a warm cookie to jump start
your imagination.
Maybe it will work,
maybe not.
Perhaps you have to hear
the sound of the ocean,
or see cypress trees
waving in the wind.
Even the lashing of rain
against your face
can help you.
But when inspiration hits,
it becomes a force.
A cyclone.
A spark.
A burst of color and light.
Then you rush to catch
the butterfly
of your imagination
with your favorite purple net.

The author's comments:
I wrote this in my down-time while I listened to the sound of pine trees waving in the wind.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 7 2013 at 9:30 pm
PurpleBrass1st SILVER, Duncan, Oklahoma
8 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
Today you are YOU, that is truer than true. There is no alive who is YOUER than YOU! - Dr. Seuss

This was a really great poem. I understand why they think it is exceptional. I've written a fiction story on ballet. It should be on here in a couple days. Would you please rate it and comment when it's released? Maybe you could write a poem or story on ballet too. I want other people to know what dancers go through all the time. It would be really great if you could help me spread the message, since we're both dancers and all. Thanks, Alexandra:)