Our Fights | Teen Ink

Our Fights

May 1, 2013
By JamesM SILVER, Silvercreek, Washington
JamesM SILVER, Silvercreek, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be yourself man, be proud of who you are, and even if it sounds corny, dont ever let nobody tell you, you aint beautiful."

Our fights are pointless, our fights are dumb, everytime we have them i swear my heart goes numb, cause you mean the most to me while others mean some, cause in my view babe, you are second to none. Yes we have arguments and yes we make mistakes, then we start to talk less which leads to our little breaks, but id never go as far as to put our friendship at steak, and babe that's a promise that ill continue to make.

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