I'm sorry for your loss | Teen Ink

I'm sorry for your loss

February 10, 2013
By hudsonbytheday PLATINUM, Toronto, Other
hudsonbytheday PLATINUM, Toronto, Other
23 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
The mind is a place in its self, it can make a heaven from hell, a hell from heaven.
- John Milton

Happy third Birthday growing fool
as you teeter and walk towards responsibility
and people take photographs of a cake smudged face
as you unwrap your first plastic piece of garbage.

Happy Halloween monster in disguise
as you pretend be someone who you are not
while grownups teach you life's valuable lesson:
if you can cover your face you can get s*** for free.

Happy Valentine's day, enjoy yourself as you are thrown
into awkwardness, or loneliness, or drunkenness.
A day where love is valued at eleven dollars and twenty five cents:
a hallmark card, a box of flowers and a rose.

Merry Christmas, and I hope that your
wrappers will be piled high and presents sorted and stored
in the most efficient way. I hope you will enjoy the company
of your loved ones, who'll spill Santa's secret over too much eggnog.

Happy Remembrance day
wishing you a perfect day
full of happy memories.

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