A Cross at the Median | Teen Ink

A Cross at the Median

February 10, 2013
By hudsonbytheday PLATINUM, Toronto, Other
hudsonbytheday PLATINUM, Toronto, Other
23 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
The mind is a place in its self, it can make a heaven from hell, a hell from heaven.
- John Milton

I imagine what your heart did when
the booze wore off and you woke up in the hospital
and they told you that your two year old son
was in the morgue downstairs.

The hockey moms in town
said that you would never drive impaired
and that you loved your children
and that the rumours lied.

Outside of town where the radio cackled
the remains of a carol,
which drowned out the cries
four whining boys in the backseat.
The judge said the crack they found in your system
was the residue from few days back,
but you blood alcohol content was significant enough
to make you swerve off Highway 1.
In the wake of the accident
you ran away from the leftover
scraps of your family.
You never wanted to see
where we scatter his flowers in December.

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This article has 1 comment.

Skyset GOLD said...
on Feb. 19 2013 at 6:06 pm
Skyset GOLD, Goddard, Kansas
13 articles 0 photos 36 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Use what talents you possess. The Woods would be very quiet if no birds sang there except those that sang best."
--Henry Van Dyke

Oh, wow. That is amazing, simply beautiful. This poem is truly powerful.