Real Girl | Teen Ink

Real Girl

January 14, 2013
By CapturingShadows SILVER, Ardrossan, AB, Other
CapturingShadows SILVER, Ardrossan, AB, Other
5 articles 8 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
" Reality has taught me that dreams are important, that accomplishing these dreams fulfills you."
-My quote-

She wore lilacs in her hair,
And smiled at the ground,
Her smile was crooked,
Her hair knotted,
But she was real.

Her laugh was pure,
Her movements lacked grace,
She stumbled over words sometimes,
But she was not fake,
She had fire in her eyes.

That fire fueled her dreams,
Ruled her mind,
She got lost sometimes,
And she longed to wander incessantly,
But the real world always came calling.

Calling the real girl,

Back from her travels.

The author's comments:
A self reflection piece.

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