Beauty's Beast | Teen Ink

Beauty's Beast

September 28, 2012
By CapturingShadows SILVER, Ardrossan, AB, Other
CapturingShadows SILVER, Ardrossan, AB, Other
5 articles 8 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
" Reality has taught me that dreams are important, that accomplishing these dreams fulfills you."
-My quote-

Beauty is terrible,
Beauty is great,
Beauty masquerades,

She is Illusion,
A vexing hypnotic siren,
Beauty is a golden liar.

She lives in blindness,
Feeding upon stolen glances,
Tasting the longing of others.

An Angel, oh so sweet,
A rebel,
A sweet far thing.

A vain cursed creature,
Evoking jealousy,
A cold heartless mistress.

Bloody thirsty huntress,
She is scandalous,
Beauty’s beast is a tame creature.

The author's comments:
Beauty these days is twisted and disgusting. Society's standards are warped and distorted by size 000000 models. Its vanity and jealousy, that's all beauty seems to be now.

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