A little less lust, and a Little more HOPE | Teen Ink

A little less lust, and a Little more HOPE

July 12, 2012
By haleeskie GOLD, San Clemente, California
haleeskie GOLD, San Clemente, California
14 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life brings you roses,
but every petal falls.

Every time i see just who you might be,
everything falls to place then you change the meaning.
I trust you more than my very first love,
yet for some reason you have lust and not what i need.
Ive tried to change for you,
hoping one day youd fall head over heals.
In a boys mind i guess no girl can ever be good enough,
so when you come back next summer ill have no more love.
because youll be the guy i will never be good enough for,
but deep deep down ill still have feeling for you.
I wish you had a little less LUST ,
and i had alot more Hope to keep trying instead of to give up.

The author's comments:
This piece was written because there is a friend of the family ive known a couple of years, and we have kissed and done some things but after acted as if nothing happened and this summer it happened agian and i just ... i know its lust and wish deep down that him and i really had a chance.

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