An Eternity of Stars | Teen Ink

An Eternity of Stars

May 6, 2012
By havecouragetocontinue DIAMOND, Los Alamos, New Mexico
havecouragetocontinue DIAMOND, Los Alamos, New Mexico
67 articles 36 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Success is not final, Failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts."
-Winston Churchill-

Here I lie in the bed I made

The curtains drawn in the worst possible way

A simple sketch to keep the light from my filling eyes

My heartbeat is the only sound

The drowns out the cries that resound

From a tear-stained face I no longer recognize

The mirrors covered in the black of night

So much better to hide behind a reflection I cannot see

Each sunrise I cower in the deepest shadows of my mind

Only now is it that I realize my mind is all shadow and no light

I scream for the fire to no avail

My breath is shallow and rough as reality hits

Its blows are stern and deep

I am a ship rocked by the sea

Torn from my port I grab for the gin

And stifle my wails at the empty glasses set before me


The word explodes in my cobwebbed brain

Blasting apart conceptions and thoughts until I am nothing but


Now I rise from the sheets of my poorly made past

And walk to the door of tomorrow

It creaks in the breeze of the wind that whispers

And promises an eternity of stars

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