See the World | Teen Ink

See the World

April 9, 2012
By hbrhr PLATINUM, Granville, Ohio
hbrhr PLATINUM, Granville, Ohio
20 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Why do we follow blindly
Palms outstretched in front of us
Getting general shapes
Never seeing the entire reality.
Why do we crawl forward
On our hands and knees
Slowly and clumsily following the path
We’re placed on.
Why don’t we leap to our feet and sprint
Finding a new path that we like
Opening a door of our choosing.
Instead we keep our eyes clamped shut
To the world around us
Never risking even a glance at other options.
And why
When we finally peel them open
Do we keep our eyes fixated on the same prize
We aimed for before.
Why do our feet never stray from the river of words
We were told
Never wandering outside the tightly sealed box
Of what “is”
Not what could be.

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