Lustful | Teen Ink


March 20, 2012
By andrewbishop SILVER, Peru, Indiana
andrewbishop SILVER, Peru, Indiana
8 articles 1 photo 4 comments

As I kiss her,
Sparks soar high into the darkness,
Igniting the night sky with luminous passion.
Our love magnifying to great heights,
With every kiss and stroke,
Our hearts beating in unison.
While our passion soars,
Lust unleashes out of us,
Compelling us to do what we are not ready for.
Our sins shoot out as moans and groans,
Our love dripping away with our sweat,
Reaping the innocence from each other.

The author's comments:
I really don't know what inspired me to write this. It just came to me as my friend told me of their first experience.

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