Giving 'BFF' A New Meaning | Teen Ink

Giving 'BFF' A New Meaning

March 15, 2012
By meganrenee- GOLD, Harbor Beach, Michigan
meganrenee- GOLD, Harbor Beach, Michigan
13 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself;
nothing more,
nothing less.

Something that you cannot buy in a store.
Something that you find in only the best.
Something that they wish they had.

Someone who is kind,
and everything in between.

They give you happiness,
even if you don't want it.
It comes easy,
them putting a smile on
your precious face that is.

You won't be able to guess,
that is unless,
you have one of your very own.

It's not a boyfriend,
nor a family member;
although you may consider
them to be your family.

One more hint:
she's a girl.
Final answer:
she's my best friend.

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