blue eyed nightmare | Teen Ink

blue eyed nightmare

January 3, 2012
By abbey92 GOLD, Fremont, Nebraska
abbey92 GOLD, Fremont, Nebraska
10 articles 0 photos 35 comments

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she smiles like she's so tough
she's just someones daughter waiting for some one to love her

never leave the one you love for the one you like because the one you like will leave you for the one they love

You are my blue eyed nightmare

you hunt me in my dreams

i dream of you nightly and wake up screaming

i try to let you go but you keep dragging me

back to the way it used to be

you fill me with lies as you're wearing a mask

i just want to let you go

you get in my head and scramble my brains

it's like standing in the cold wet rain

i'd try to leave you behind

and try not to look back

as i start up the car you call my name

and i go down the driveway

i'm not looking back

i'm not turning back

i'm doing this on my own


you will always be my blue eyed baby

my blue eyed nightmare.

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