The Power of Love | Teen Ink

The Power of Love

November 13, 2011
By WritingLoverForever PLATINUM, Bowling Green, Ohio
WritingLoverForever PLATINUM, Bowling Green, Ohio
32 articles 2 photos 198 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's not about success; it's about significance.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

Something’s coming over me
My head is rushed, my head is rushed
Enticed by your proximity
Come closer, love; come closer, love
Never felt this way before
I’m losing it, I’m losing it
No way of seeing what’s in store
Just go with it, just go with it
Our bodies’ touch you can’t undo
We’re magnetized, we’re magnetized
Every time I look at you
I’m hypnotized, I’m hypnotized
Feel the heat rise when we kiss
We’re burning up, we’re burning up
Such a sweet taste on your lips
Can’t get enough, can’t get enough
In this moment so intense
The sparks erupt, the sparks erupt
Goodbye to all innocence
Now we’re corrupt, now we’re corrupt
A fire’s burning in my soul
I can’t resist, I can’t resist
Think I might lose all control
It’s worth the risk, it’s worth the risk
Forget all doubt and take my hand
Let’s jump and fall, let’s jump and fall
More in love than we can stand
It’s magical, so magical
Confine me in your warm embrace
And never leave, don’t ever leave
There’s nothing our love cannot face
This I believe, this I believe

The author's comments:
When I was writing this, I tried to explore my edgy side as a writer in order to create a different, more passionate vibe. I wanted the words in this poem to descriptively enhance the whirlwind of emotions one feels when falling in love. This is different from my usual writing style.

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