The unforgiving desert plays mind games | Teen Ink

The unforgiving desert plays mind games

September 15, 2011
By TGorden BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
TGorden BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

The desert is a casino,
The house cannot be beat,
Simple chance games,
Rigged beyond belief,
Feeding off the weak,

It's wanders are gamblers,
Waiting for the score,
The lucky pot of gold,
The rainbow ends before,
An internal endless war,

The desert plays no simple games,
To him they are no fun,
You don't even know yet,
His work here is done.

Simplicity died the day,
The desert got his way.

The author's comments:
What I love about poetry is that a poem can tell multiple different stories at once. At face value this is a poem about a casino and the desert. After that the message is all up to the reader to interpret however they want to. One Story inside could be that casinos extend past the windowless walls that contain them, into the surrounding community creating the desert. However you wish to interpret this poem I hope you consider it's symbolism. This is about much more then just a desert. Life is a journey and the way it is deciphered determines the outcome of its travelers.

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