Remember When | Teen Ink

Remember When

December 10, 2010
By ShelbyMarie93 PLATINUM, Lexington, Nebraska
ShelbyMarie93 PLATINUM, Lexington, Nebraska
35 articles 1 photo 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When Death to either shall come -- I pray it be first to me." ~Robert Bridges
"Life is not a jump; it's a headfirst dive."
"Within you I lose myself; without you I find myself wanting to be lost again."

╚══`.¸.Isaac H.

Remember when you asked me
What I wanted for Christmas
I was kidding when I said
"A pony!"
I can still see
The sparkle in your eye
As you shook your head and laughed
Well what I really want for Christmas
Is you

The author's comments:
A memory, and a realization.

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