Stolen Love | Teen Ink

Stolen Love

September 23, 2010
By RochelleR. GOLD, Baltimore, Maryland
RochelleR. GOLD, Baltimore, Maryland
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I find myself quiescent as I ruminate
On how love is so trenchant before it'll choose to take
Two hearts that were elated but have the cruelest fate
Of being dark and tacit ceased to illuminate

A love that was first based on true admiration
Is now but callous ashes burnt by conflagration
I hate to see us like this but i can't stand to go
When I'm sure we have a purpose that is true and tangible

We must make our souls a star, to never land or dim
So the truth within our hearts will be no longer clandestine
And all those special moments that would seem irrelevent
i never would abjure because those were our best times spent

Your indulgent ways were oh so august and never platitude
How easily you'd quell my heart with the things that you'd do
All your indelible acts just leave me in compunction
How what was light is nocturnal now in acrid destrucion

Its true that if we try it then we will be sure to win
The only thing required is to stay inverterate
After all we've been through one thing that we've learned is this
Life's too short but holds much meaning
Kinda like our very first kiss

The author's comments:
This poem just conveys how love can be so cruel but yet oh so satisfying all at once.... wreckless love. I dedicate this poem to my boyfriend Matt <3

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 6 2010 at 4:12 pm
-OathKeeper- BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You Don't Know What Control Is... Until You Lose It."

I love your choice of words and vocabulary. Great poem. 5/5